Source code for pypuppetdb.types

import logging
from datetime import timedelta

from pypuppetdb.QueryBuilder import EqualsOperator, AndOperator
from pypuppetdb.utils import json_to_datetime

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class Event: """This object represents an event. Unless otherwise specified all parameters are required. :param node: The hostname of the node this event fired on. :type node: :obj:`string` :param status: The status for the event. :type status: :obj:`string` :param timestamp: A timestamp of when this event occured. :type timestamp: :obj:`string` formatted as ``%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%fZ`` :param hash_: The hash of the report that contains this event. :type hash_: :obj:`string` :param title: The resource title this event was fired for. :type title: :obj:`string` :param property_: The property of the resource this event was fired for. :type property_: :obj:`string` :param message: A message associated with this event. :type message: :obj:`string` :param new_value: The new value/state of the resource. :type new_value: :obj:`string` :param old_value: The old value/state of the resource. :type old_value: :obj:`string` :param type_: The type of the resource this event fired for. :type type_: :obj:`string` :param class_: The class responsible for running this event. :type class_: :obj:`string` :param execution_path: The path used to reach this particular resource. :type execution_path: :obj:`string` :param source_file: The puppet source code file containing the class. :type source_file: :obj:`string` :param line_number: The line number in the source file containing the definition responsible for triggering this event. :type line_number: :obj:`int` :ivar node: A :obj:`string` of this event's node certname. :ivar status: A :obj:`string` of this event's status. :ivar failed: The :obj:`bool` equivalent of `status`. :ivar timestamp: A :obj:`datetime.datetime` of when this event happend. :ivar node: The hostname of the machine this event\ occured on. :ivar hash_: The hash of this event. :ivar item: :obj:`dict` with information about the item/resource this\ event was triggered for. """ def __init__( self, node, status, timestamp, hash_, title, property_, message, new_value, old_value, type_, class_, execution_path, source_file, line_number, ): self.node = node self.status = status if self.status == "failure": self.failed = True else: self.failed = False self.timestamp = json_to_datetime(timestamp) self.hash_ = hash_ self.item = { "title": title, "type": type_, "property": property_, "message": message, "old": old_value, "new": new_value, "class": class_, "execution_path": execution_path, "source_file": source_file, "line_number": line_number, } self.__string = "{}[{}]/{}".format( self.item["type"], self.item["title"], self.hash_ ) def __repr__(self): return str(f"Event: {self.__string}") def __str__(self): return "{}".format(self.__string) @staticmethod def create_from_dict(event): return Event( node=event["certname"], status=event["status"], timestamp=event["timestamp"], hash_=event["report"], title=event["resource_title"], property_=event["property"], message=event["message"], new_value=event["new_value"], old_value=event["old_value"], type_=event["resource_type"], class_=event["containing_class"], execution_path=event["containment_path"], source_file=event["file"], line_number=event["line"], )
[docs]class Report: """This object represents a report. Unless otherwise specified all parameters are required. :param api: API object :type api: :class:`pypuppetdb.api.BaseAPI` :param node: The hostname of the node this report originated on. :type node: :obj:`string` :param hash_: A string uniquely identifying this report. :type hash_: :obj:`string` :param start: The start time of the agent run. :type start: :obj:`string` formatted as ``%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%fZ`` :param end: The time the agent finished its run. :type end: :obj:`string` formatted as ``%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%fZ`` :param received: The time PuppetDB received the report. :type received: :obj:`string` formatted as ``%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%fZ`` :param version: The catalog / configuration version. :type version: :obj:`string` :param format_: The catalog format version. :type format_: :obj:`int` :param agent_version: The Puppet agent version. :type agent_version: :obj:`string` :param transaction: The UUID of this transaction. :type transaction: :obj:`string` :param environment: (Optional) The environment assigned to the node that\ submitted this report. :type environment: :obj:`string` :param status: (Optional) The status associated to this report's node. :type status: :obj:`string` :param noop: (Default `False`) A flag indicating weather the report was\ produced by a noop run. :type noop: :obj:`bool` :param noop_pending: (Default `False`) A flag indicating weather the \ report had pending changes produced by a noop run. :type noop_pending: :obj:`bool` :param metrics: (Optional) All metrics associated with this report. :type metrics: :obj:`list` containing :obj:`dict` with Metrics :param logs: (Optional) All logs associated with this report. :type logs: :obj:`list` containing :obj:`dict` of logs :param code_id: (Optional) Ties the catalog to the Puppet Code that\ generated the catalog. :type code_id: :obj:`string` :param catalog_uuid: (Optional) Ties the report to the catalog used\ from that Puppet run. :type catalog_uuid: :obj:`string` :param cached_catalog_status: (Optional) Identifies if the Puppet run\ used a cached catalog and weather or not it was used due to an\ error. Can be one of 'explicitly_requested', 'on_failure',\ 'not_used' not 'null'. :type cached_catalog_status: :obj:`string` :param producer: (Optional) The certname of the Puppet Server that\ sent the report to PuppetDB :type producer: :obj:`string` :ivar node: The hostname this report originated from. :ivar hash_: Unique identifier of this report. :ivar start: :obj:`datetime.datetime` when the Puppet agent run started. :ivar end: :obj:`datetime.datetime` when the Puppet agent run ended. :ivar received: :obj:`datetime.datetime` when the report finished uploading. :ivar version: :obj:`string` catalog configuration version. :ivar format_: :obj:`int` catalog format version. :ivar agent_version: :obj:`string` Puppet Agent version. :ivar run_time: :obj:`datetime.timedelta` of **end** - **start**. :ivar transaction: UUID identifying this transaction. :ivar environment: The environment assigned to the node that submitted\ this report. :ivar status: The status associated to this report's node. :ivar metrics: :obj:`list` containing :obj:`dict` of all metrics\ associated with this report. :ivar logs: :obj:`list` containing :obj:`dict` of all logs\ associated with this report. :ivar code_id: :obj:`string` used to tie a catalog to the Puppet Code\ which generated the catalog. :ivar catalog_uuid: :obj:`string` used to tie this report to the catalog\ used on this Puppet run. :ivar cached_catalog_status: :obj:`string` identifying if this Puppet run\ used a cached catalog, if so weather it was a result of an error or\ otherwise. :ivar producer: :obj:`string` representing the certname of the Puppet\ Server that sent the report to PuppetDB """ def __init__( self, api, node, hash_, start, end, received, version, format_, agent_version, transaction, status=None, metrics={}, logs={}, environment=None, noop=False, noop_pending=False, code_id=None, catalog_uuid=None, cached_catalog_status=None, producer=None, ): self.node = node self.hash_ = hash_ self.start = json_to_datetime(start) self.end = json_to_datetime(end) self.received = json_to_datetime(received) self.version = version self.format_ = format_ self.agent_version = agent_version self.run_time = self.end - self.start self.transaction = transaction self.environment = environment self.status = "noop" if noop and noop_pending else status self.metrics = metrics self.logs = logs self.code_id = code_id self.catalog_uuid = catalog_uuid self.cached_catalog_status = cached_catalog_status self.producer = producer self.__string = f"{self.hash_}" self.__api = api def __repr__(self): return str(f"Report: {self.__string}") def __str__(self): return "{}".format(self.__string)
[docs] def events(self, **kwargs): """Get all events for this report. Additional arguments may also be specified that will be passed to the query function. """ return"report", self.hash_), **kwargs)
@staticmethod def create_from_dict(query_api, report): return Report( api=query_api, node=report["certname"], hash_=report["hash"], start=report["start_time"], end=report["end_time"], received=report["receive_time"], version=report["configuration_version"], format_=report["report_format"], agent_version=report["puppet_version"], transaction=report["transaction_uuid"], environment=report["environment"], status=report["status"], noop=report.get("noop"), noop_pending=report.get("noop_pending"), metrics=report["metrics"]["data"], logs=report["logs"]["data"], code_id=report.get("code_id"), catalog_uuid=report.get("catalog_uuid"), cached_catalog_status=report.get("cached_catalog_status"), )
[docs]class Fact: """This object represents a fact. Unless otherwise specified all parameters are required. :param node: The hostname this fact was collected from. :type node: :obj:`string` :param name: The fact's name, such as 'osfamily' :type name: :obj:`string` :param value: The fact's value, such as 'Debian' :type value: :obj:`string` or :obj:`int` or :obj:`dict` :param environment: (Optional) The fact's environment, such as\ 'production' :type environment: :obj:`string` :ivar node: :obj:`string` holding the hostname. :ivar name: :obj:`string` holding the fact's name. :ivar value: :obj:`string` or :obj:`int` or :obj:`dict` holding the\ fact's value. :ivar environment: :obj:`string` holding the fact's environment """ @staticmethod def create_from_dict(fact): return Fact( node=fact["certname"], name=fact["name"], value=fact["value"], environment=fact["environment"], ) def __init__(self, node, name, value, environment=None): self.node = node = name self.value = value self.environment = environment self.__string = f"{}/{self.node}" def __repr__(self): return str(f"Fact: {self.__string}") def __str__(self): return "{}".format(self.__string)
[docs]class Resource: """This object represents a resource. Unless otherwise specified all parameters are required. :param node: The hostname this resource is located on. :type node: :obj:`string` :param name: The name of the resource in the Puppet manifest. :type name: :obj:`string` :param type_: Type of the Puppet resource. :type type_: :obj:`string` :param tags: Tags associated with this resource. :type tags: :obj:`list` :param exported: If it's an exported resource. :type exported: :obj:`bool` :param sourcefile: The Puppet manifest this resource is declared in. :type sourcefile: :obj:`string` :param sourceline: The line this resource is declared at. :type sourceline: :obj:`int` :param parameters: (Optional) The parameters this resource has been\ declared with. :type parameters: :obj:`dict` :param environment: (Optional) The environment of the node associated\ with this resource. :type environment: :obj:`string` :ivar node: The hostname this resources is located on. :ivar name: The name of the resource in the Puppet manifest. :ivar type_: The type of Puppet resource. :ivar exported: :obj:`bool` if the resource is exported. :ivar sourcefile: The Puppet manifest this resource is declared in. :ivar sourceline: The line this resource is declared at. :ivar parameters: :obj:`dict` with key:value pairs of parameters. :ivar relationships: :obj:`list` Contains all relationships to other\ resources :ivar environment: :obj:`string` The environment of the node associated\ with this resource. """ def __init__( self, node, name, type_, tags, exported, sourcefile, sourceline, environment=None, parameters={}, ): self.node = node = name self.type_ = type_ self.tags = tags self.exported = exported self.sourcefile = sourcefile self.sourceline = sourceline self.parameters = parameters self.relationships = [] self.environment = environment self.__string = f"{self.type_}[{}]" def __repr__(self): return "<Resource: {}>".format(self.__string) def __str__(self): return "{}".format(self.__string) @staticmethod def create_from_dict(resource): return Resource( node=resource["certname"], name=resource["title"], type_=resource["type"], tags=resource["tags"], exported=resource["exported"], sourcefile=resource["file"], sourceline=resource["line"], parameters=resource["parameters"], environment=resource["environment"], )
[docs]class Node: """This object represents a node. It additionally has some helper methods so that you can query for resources or facts directly from the node scope. Unless otherwise specified all parameters are required. :param api: API object. :type api: :class:`pypuppetdb.api.BaseAPI` :param name: Hostname of this node. :type name: :obj:`string` :param deactivated: (default `None`) Time this node was deactivated at. :type deactivated: :obj:`string` formatted as ``%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%fZ`` :param report_timestamp: (default `None`) Time of the last report. :type report_timestamp: :obj:`string` formatted as\ ``%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%fZ`` :param catalog_timestamp: (default `None`) Time the last time a catalog\ was compiled. :type catalog_timestamp: :obj:`string` formatted as\ ``%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%fZ`` :param facts_timestamp: (default `None`) Time the last time facts were\ collected. :type facts_timestamp: :obj:`string` formatted as\ ``%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%fZ`` :param status_report: (default `None`) Status of latest report \ from the node changed | unchanged | failed :type status: :obj:`string` :param noop: (Default `False`) A flag indicating whether the latest \ report of the node was produced by a noop run. :type noop: :obj:`bool` :param noop_pending: (Default `False`) A flag indicating whether \ the latest report of the node had pending changes \ produced by a noop run. :type noop_pending: :obj:`bool` :param events: (default `None`) Counted events from latest Report :type events: :obj:`dict` :param unreported: (default `False`) if node is considered unreported :type unreported_time: :obj:`bool` :param unreported_time: (default `None`) Time since last report :type unreported_time: :obj:`string` :param report_environment: (default 'production') The environment of the\ last received report for this node :type report_environment: :obj:`string` :param catalog_environment: (default 'production') The environment of the\ last received catalog for this node :type catalog_environment: :obj:`string` :param facts_environment: (default 'production') The environment of the\ last received fact set for this node :type facts_environment: :obj:`string` :param latest_report_hash: The hash of the latest report from this node,\ is only available in PuppetDB 3.2 and later :type latest_report_hash: :obj:`string` :param cached_catalog_status: Cached catalog status of the last puppet run\ on this node, possible values are 'explicitly_requested',\ 'on_failure', 'not_used' or None. :type cached_catalog_status: :obj:`string` :ivar name: Hostname of this node. :ivar deactivated: :obj:`datetime.datetime` when this host was\ deactivated or `False`. :ivar report_timestamp: :obj:`datetime.datetime` when the last run\ occured or `None`. :ivar catalog_timestamp: :obj:`datetime.datetime` last time a catalog was\ compiled or `None`. :ivar facts_timestamp: :obj:`datetime.datetime` last time when facts were\ collected or `None`. :ivar report_environment: :obj:`string` the environment of the last\ received report for this node. :ivar catalog_environment: :obj:`string` the environment of the last\ received catalog for this node. :ivar facts_environment: :obj:`string` the environment of the last\ received fact set for this node. :ivar latest_report_hash: :obj:`string` the hash value of the latest\ report the current node reported. Available in PuppetDB 3.2\ and later. :ivar cached_catalog_status: :obj:`string` the status of the cached\ catalog from the last puppet run. """ def __init__( self, api, name, deactivated=None, expired=None, report_timestamp=None, catalog_timestamp=None, facts_timestamp=None, status_report=None, noop=False, noop_pending=False, events=None, unreported=False, unreported_time=None, report_environment="production", catalog_environment="production", facts_environment="production", latest_report_hash=None, cached_catalog_status=None, ): = name = events self.unreported_time = unreported_time self.report_timestamp = report_timestamp self.catalog_timestamp = catalog_timestamp self.facts_timestamp = facts_timestamp self.report_environment = report_environment self.catalog_environment = catalog_environment self.facts_environment = facts_environment self.latest_report_hash = latest_report_hash self.cached_catalog_status = cached_catalog_status if unreported: self.status = "unreported" elif noop and noop_pending: self.status = "noop" else: self.status = status_report if deactivated is not None: self.deactivated = json_to_datetime(deactivated) else: self.deactivated = False if expired is not None: self.expired = json_to_datetime(expired) else: self.expired = False if report_timestamp is not None: self.report_timestamp = json_to_datetime(report_timestamp) else: self.report_timestamp = report_timestamp if facts_timestamp is not None: self.facts_timestamp = json_to_datetime(facts_timestamp) else: self.facts_timestamp = facts_timestamp if catalog_timestamp is not None: self.catalog_timestamp = json_to_datetime(catalog_timestamp) else: self.catalog_timestamp = catalog_timestamp self.__api = api self.__string = def __repr__(self): return "<Node: {}>".format(self.__string) def __str__(self): return "{}".format(self.__string)
[docs] def facts(self, query=None, **kwargs): """Get all facts of this node. Additional arguments may also be specified that will be passed to the query function. """ q = EqualsOperator("certname", if query: q = AndOperator() q.add(EqualsOperator("certname", q.add(query) return self.__api.facts(query=q, **kwargs)
[docs] def fact(self, name): """Get a single fact from this node.""" facts = self.facts(name=name) return next(fact for fact in facts)
[docs] def resources(self, type_=None, title=None, **kwargs): """Get all resources of this node or all resources of the specified type. Additional arguments may also be specified that will be passed to the query function. """ if type_ is None: resources = self.__api.resources( query=EqualsOperator("certname",, **kwargs ) elif type_ is not None and title is None: resources = self.__api.resources( type_=type_, query=EqualsOperator("certname",, **kwargs ) else: resources = self.__api.resources( type_=type_, title=title, query=EqualsOperator("certname",, **kwargs, ) return resources
[docs] def resource(self, type_, title, **kwargs): """Get a resource matching the supplied type and title. Additional arguments may also be specified that will be passed to the query function. """ resources = self.__api.resources( type_=type_, title=title, query=EqualsOperator("certname",, **kwargs, ) return next(resource for resource in resources)
[docs] def reports(self, **kwargs): """Get all reports for this node. Additional arguments may also be specified that will be passed to the query function. """ return self.__api.reports(query=EqualsOperator("certname",, **kwargs)
@staticmethod def create_from_dict( query_api, node, with_status, with_event_numbers, latest_events, now, unreported ): node["status_report"] = None node["events"] = None if with_status: if with_event_numbers: status = [ s for s in latest_events if s["subject"]["title"] == node["certname"] ] try: node["status_report"] = node["latest_report_status"] if status: node["events"] = status[0] except KeyError: if status: node["events"] = status = status[0] if status["successes"] > 0: node["status_report"] = "changed" if status["noops"] > 0: node["status_report"] = "noop" if status["failures"] > 0: node["status_report"] = "failed" else: node["status_report"] = "unchanged" else: node["status_report"] = node["latest_report_status"] node["events"] = { "successes": 0, "failures": 0, "noops": 0, } if node["status_report"] == "changed": node["events"]["successes"] = "some" elif node["status_report"] == "noop": node["events"]["noops"] = "some" elif node["status_report"] == "failed": node["events"]["failures"] = "some" # node report age if node["report_timestamp"] is not None: try: last_report = json_to_datetime(node["report_timestamp"]) last_report = last_report.replace(tzinfo=None) unreported_border = now - timedelta(hours=unreported) if last_report < unreported_border: delta = now - last_report node["unreported"] = True node["unreported_time"] = "{}d {}h {}m".format( delta.days, int(delta.seconds / 3600), int((delta.seconds % 3600) / 60), ) except AttributeError: node["unreported"] = True if not node["report_timestamp"]: node["unreported"] = True return Node( query_api, name=node["certname"], deactivated=node["deactivated"], expired=node["expired"], report_timestamp=node["report_timestamp"], catalog_timestamp=node["catalog_timestamp"], facts_timestamp=node["facts_timestamp"], status_report=node["status_report"], noop=node.get("latest_report_noop"), noop_pending=node.get("latest_report_noop_pending"), events=node["events"], unreported=node.get("unreported"), unreported_time=node.get("unreported_time"), report_environment=node["report_environment"], catalog_environment=node["catalog_environment"], facts_environment=node["facts_environment"], latest_report_hash=node.get("latest_report_hash"), cached_catalog_status=node.get("cached_catalog_status"), )
[docs]class Catalog: """ This object represents a compiled catalog from puppet. It contains\ Resource and Edge object that represent the dependency graph. Unless\ otherwise specified all parameters are required. :param node: Name of the host :type node: :obj:`string` :param edges: Edges returned from Catalog data :type edges: :obj:`list` containing :obj:`dict` of\ :class:`pypuppetdb.types.Edge` :param resources: :class:`pypuppetdb.types.Resource` managed as of this\ Catalog. :type resources: :obj:`dict` of :class:`pypuppetdb.types.Resource` :param version: Catalog version from Puppet (unique for each node) :type version: :obj:`string` :param transaction_uuid: A string used to match the catalog with the\ corresponding report that was issued during the same puppet run :type transaction_uuid: :obj:`string` :param environment: The environment associated with the catalog's\ certname. :type environment: :obj:`string` :param code_id: The string used to tie this catalog to the Puppet code\ which generated the catalog. :type code_id: :obj:`string` :param catalog_uuid: Universally unique identifier of this catalog. :type catalog_uuid: :obj:`string` :param producer: The certname of the Puppet Server that sent the catalog\ to PuppetDB :type producer: :obj:`string` :ivar node: :obj:`string` Name of the host :ivar version: :obj:`string` Catalog version from Puppet (unique for each node) :ivar transaction_uuid: :obj:`string` used to match the catalog with corresponding report :ivar edges: :obj:`list` of :obj:`Edge` The source Resource object\ of the relationship :ivar environment: :obj:`string` Environment associated with the catalog's certname :ivar code_id: :obj:`string` ties the catalog to the Puppet code that\ generated the catalog :ivar catalog_uuid: :obj:`string` uniquely identifying this catalog. :ivar producer: :obj:`string` of the Puppet Server that sent the catalog\ to PuppetDB """ def __init__( self, node, edges, resources, version, transaction_uuid, environment=None, code_id=None, catalog_uuid=None, producer=None, ): self.node = node self.version = version self.transaction_uuid = transaction_uuid self.environment = environment self.code_id = code_id self.catalog_uuid = catalog_uuid self.producer = producer self.resources = dict() for resource in resources: if "file" not in resource: resource["file"] = None if "line" not in resource: resource["line"] = None identifier = resource["type"] + "[" + resource["title"] + "]" res = Resource( node=node, name=resource["title"], type_=resource["type"], tags=resource["tags"], exported=resource["exported"], sourcefile=resource["file"], sourceline=resource["line"], parameters=resource["parameters"], environment=self.environment, ) self.resources[identifier] = res self.edges = [] for edge in edges: identifier_source = edge["source_type"] + "[" + edge["source_title"] + "]" identifier_target = edge["target_type"] + "[" + edge["target_title"] + "]" e = Edge( source=self.resources[identifier_source], target=self.resources[identifier_target], relationship=edge["relationship"], node=self.node, ) self.edges.append(e) self.resources[identifier_source].relationships.append(e) self.resources[identifier_target].relationships.append(e) self.__string = f"{self.node}/{self.transaction_uuid}" def __repr__(self): return "<Catalog: {}>".format(self.__string) def __str__(self): return "{}".format(self.__string) def get_resources(self): return self.resources.values() def get_resource(self, resource_type, resource_title): identifier = resource_type + "[" + resource_title + "]" return self.resources[identifier] def get_edges(self): return iter(self.edges) @staticmethod def create_from_dict(catalog): return Catalog( node=catalog["certname"], edges=catalog["edges"]["data"], resources=catalog["resources"]["data"], version=catalog["version"], transaction_uuid=catalog["transaction_uuid"], environment=catalog["environment"], code_id=catalog.get("code_id"), catalog_uuid=catalog.get("catalog_uuid"), )
[docs]class Edge: """ This object represents the connection between two Resource objects. Unless otherwise specified all parameters are required. :param source: The source Resource object of the relationship :type source: :class:`pypuppetdb.Resource` :param target: The target Resource object of the relationship :type target: :class:`pypuppetdb.Resource` :param relationship: Name of the Puppet Resource Relationship :type relationship: :obj:`string` :param node: The certname of the node that owns this Relationship :type node: :obj:`string` :ivar source: :obj:`Resource` The source Resource object :ivar target: :obj:`Resource` The target Resource object :ivar relationship: :obj:`string` Name of the Puppet Resource relationship :ivar node: :obj:`string` The name of the node that owns this relationship """ def __init__(self, source, target, relationship, node=None): self.source = source = target self.relationship = relationship self.node = node self.__string = "{} - {} - {}".format( self.source, self.relationship, ) def __repr__(self): return "<Edge: {}>".format(self.__string) def __str__(self): return "{}".format(self.__string) @staticmethod def create_from_dict(edge): identifier_source = edge["source_type"] + "[" + edge["source_title"] + "]" identifier_target = edge["target_type"] + "[" + edge["target_title"] + "]" return Edge( source=identifier_source, target=identifier_target, relationship=edge["relationship"], node=edge["certname"], )
[docs]class Inventory: """This object represents a Node Inventory entry returned from the Inventory endpoint. :param node: The certname of the node associated with the inventory. :type node: :obj:`string` :param time: The time at which PuppetDB received the facts in the inventory. :type time: :obj:`string` formatted as ``%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%fZ`` :param environment: The environment associated with the inventory's certname. :type environment: :obj:`string` :param facts: The dictionary of key-value pairs for the nodes assosciated facts. :type facts: :obj:`dict` :param trusted: The trusted data from the node. :type trusted: :obj:`dict` :ivar node: The certname of the node associated with the inventory. :ivar time: The time at which PuppetDB received the facts in the inventory. :ivar environment: The environment associated with the inventory's certname. :ivar facts: The dictionary of key-value pairs for the nodes assosciated facts. :ivar trusted: The trusted data from the node. """ def __init__(self, node, time, environment, facts, trusted): self.node = node self.time = json_to_datetime(time) self.environment = environment self.facts = facts self.trusted = trusted self.__string = self.node def __repr__(self): return "<Inventory: {}>".format(self.__string) def __str__(self): return "{}".format(self.__string) @staticmethod def create_from_dict(inv): return Inventory( node=inv["certname"], time=inv["timestamp"], environment=inv["environment"], facts=inv["facts"], trusted=inv["trusted"], )