
The most basic use cases is to get some single entities or multiple entities from the PuppetDB without advanced queries.


The following will return a generator object yielding Node objects for every returned node from PuppetDB.

>>> nodes = db.nodes()
>>> for node in nodes:
>>>   print(node)

To query a single node the singular node() method can be used:

>>> node = db.node('hostname')
>>> print(node)

Node scope

The Node objects are a bit more special in that they can query for facts and resources themselves. Using those methods from a node object will automatically add a query to the request scoping the request to the node.

>>> node = db.node('hostname')
>>> print(node.fact('osfamily').value)


>>> facts = db.facts('osfamily')
>>> for fact in facts:
>>>   print(f"{fact.node} - {fact.value}")
host1 - RedHat
host2 - Debian

That queries PuppetDB for the ‘osfamily’ fact and will yield Fact objects, one per node this fact is known for.


>>> resources = db.resources('file')

Will return a generator object containing all file resources you’re managing across your infrastructure. This is probably a bad idea if you have a big number of nodes as the response will be huge.


>>> catalog = db.catalog('hostname')
>>> for res in catalog.get_resources():
>>>     print(res)

Will return a Catalog object with the latest Catalog of the defined host. This catalog contains the defined Resources and Edges.

>>> catalog = db.catalog('hostname')
>>> resource = catalog.get_resource('Service', 'ntp')
>>> for rel in resource.relationships:
>>>     print(rel)
Class[Ntp] - contains - Service[ntp]
File[/etc/ntp.conf] - notifies - Service[ntp]
File[/etc/ntp.conf] - required-by - Service[ntp]

Will return all Relationships of a given Resource defined by type and title. This will list all linked other Resources and the type of relationship.