Source code for pypuppetdb.api.pql

import logging
import re
from datetime import datetime

import pypuppetdb
from pypuppetdb.QueryBuilder import EqualsOperator
from pypuppetdb.api.base import BaseAPI
from pypuppetdb.errors import APIError
from pypuppetdb.types import Node, Report

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class PqlAPI(BaseAPI): """This class provides methods that interact with the `pdb/query/v4` PuppetDB API endpoint. """
[docs] def _pql(self, pql, request_method="GET"): """This method prepares a PQL query to PuppetDB. Actual making the HTTP request is done by _make_request(). :param pql: PQL query :type pql: :obj:`string` :param request_method: (optional) GET or POST, the default is GET :raises: :class:`~pypuppetdb.errors.EmptyResponseError` :returns: The decoded response from PuppetDB :rtype: :obj:`dict` or :obj:`list` """ log.debug(f"_pql called with pql={pql}, request_method={request_method}") pql = pql.strip() if not pql: log.error("Non-empty PQL query is required!") raise APIError payload = {} # PQL queries are made to the same endpoint regardless of the queried entities url = self._url("pql") payload["query"] = pql return self._make_request(url, request_method, payload)
# TODO: deduplicate this - see QueryAPI.nodes()
[docs] def pql(self, pql, with_status=False, unreported=2, with_event_numbers=True): """Makes a PQL (Puppet Query Language) and tries to cast results to a rich type. If it won't work, returns plain dicts. :param pql: PQL query :type pql: :obj:`string` :param with_status: (optional, only for queries for nodes) include the node status in the returned nodes :type with_status: :bool: :param unreported: (optional, only for queries for nodes) amount of hours when a node gets marked as unreported :type unreported: :obj:`None` or integer :param with_event_numbers: (optional, only for queries for nodes) include the exact number of changed/unchanged/failed/noop events when with_status is set to True. If set to False only "some" string is provided if there are resources with such status in the last report. This provides performance benefits as potentially slow event-counts query is omitted completely. :type with_event_numbers: :bool: :returns: A generator yielding elements of a rich type or plain dicts """ type_class = self._get_type_from_query(pql) if type_class == Node and ( with_status or unreported != 2 or not with_event_numbers ): log.error( "with_status, unreported and with_event_numbers are used only" " for queries for nodes!" ) raise APIError for element in self._pql(pql=pql): if type_class == Node: # TODO: deduplicate this - see QueryAPI.nodes() now = datetime.utcnow() latest_events = None if with_status and with_event_numbers: latest_events = self._query( "event-counts", query=EqualsOperator("latest_report?", True), summarize_by="certname", ) yield Node.create_from_dict( self, element, with_status, with_event_numbers, latest_events, now, unreported, ) elif type_class == Report: yield Report.create_from_dict(self, element) elif type_class: yield type_class.create_from_dict(element) else: yield element
[docs] @staticmethod def _get_type_from_query(pql): """Gets a rich type of the entities returned by the given PQL query. :param pql: PQL query :type pql: :obj:`string` :return: a rich type, if this library supports it otherwise - None """ pql = pql.strip() if not pql: log.error("Non-empty PQL query is required!") raise APIError # in PQL the beginning of the query is the type of returned entities # but only if the projection is empty ([]) or there is no projection pattern = re.compile(r"([a-z]*?)\s*(\[])?\s*{") match = pattern.match(pql) if match: type_name_lowercase = # class name is capitalized type_name = type_name_lowercase.capitalize() # depluralize - remove trailing "s" if type_name.endswith("s"): type_name_singular = type_name[:-1] else: type_name_singular = type_name log.debug(f"Type name: {type_name_singular}") try: type_class = getattr(pypuppetdb.types, type_name_singular) return type_class except AttributeError: log.debug( f"PQL returns entities of a type {type_name_singular}," f" but it is not supported by this library yet." ) return None else: log.debug("No match!") return None