Source code for pypuppetdb.QueryBuilder

import datetime
import json
import logging

from pypuppetdb.errors import APIError

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class BinaryOperator: """ This is a parent helper class used to create PuppetDB AST queries for single key-value pairs for the available operators. It is possible to directly declare the various types of queries from this class. For instance the code BinaryOperator('=', 'certname', '') generates the PuppetDB query '["=", "certname", ""]'. It is preferred to use the child classes as they may have restrictions specific to that operator. See for more information. :param operator: The binary query operation performed. There is no value checking on this field. :type operator: :obj:`string` :param field: The PuppetDB endpoint query field. See endpoint documentation for valid values. :type field: any :param value: The values of the field to match, or not match. :type value: any """ def __init__(self, operator, field, value): if isinstance(value, datetime.datetime): value = str(value) = [operator, field, value] def __repr__(self): return f"Query: {self}" def __str__(self): return json.dumps(self.json_data()) def json_data(self): return
[docs]class BooleanOperator: """ This is a parent helper class used to create PuppetDB AST queries for available boolean queries. It is possible to directly declare a boolean query from this class. For instance the code BooleanOperator("and") will create an empty query '["and",]'. An error will be raised if there are no queries added via :func:`~pypuppetdb.QueryBuilder.BooleanOperator.add` See for more information. :param operator: The boolean query operation to perform. :type operator: :obj:`string` """ def __init__(self, operator): self.operator = operator self.operations = [] def add(self, query): if type(query) == list: for i in query: self.add(i) elif type(query) == str: self.operations.append(json.loads(query)) elif isinstance(query, (BinaryOperator, InOperator, BooleanOperator)): self.operations.append(query.json_data()) else: raise APIError( "Can only accept fixed-string queries, arrays " + "or operator objects" ) def __repr__(self): return f"Query: {self}" def __str__(self): return json.dumps(self.json_data()) def json_data(self): if len(self.operations) == 0: raise APIError("At least one query operation is required") return [self.operator] + self.operations
[docs]class ExtractOperator: """ Queries that either do not or cannot require all the key-value pairs from an endpoint can use the Extract Operator as described in The syntax of this operator requires a function and/or a list of fields, an optional standard query and an optional group by clause including a list of fields. """ def __init__(self): self.fields = [] self.query = None self.group_by = [] def add_field(self, field): if isinstance(field, list): for i in field: self.add_field(i) elif isinstance(field, str): self.fields.append(field) elif isinstance(field, FunctionOperator): self.fields.append(field.json_data()) else: raise APIError( "ExtractOperator.add_field only supports " "lists and strings" ) def add_query(self, query): if self.query is not None: raise APIError("Only one query is supported by ExtractOperator") elif isinstance(query, str): self.query = json.loads(query) elif isinstance(query, (BinaryOperator, SubqueryOperator, BooleanOperator)): self.query = query.json_data() else: raise APIError( "ExtractOperator.add_query only supports " "strings, BinaryOperator, BooleanOperator " "and SubqueryOperator objects" ) def add_group_by(self, field): if isinstance(field, list): for i in field: self.add_group_by(i) elif isinstance(field, str): if len(self.group_by) == 0: self.group_by.append("group_by") self.group_by.append(field) elif isinstance(field, FunctionOperator): if len(self.group_by) == 0: self.group_by.append("group_by") self.group_by.append(field.json_data()) else: raise APIError( "ExtractOperator.add_group_by only supports " "lists, strings, and FunctionOperator objects" ) def __repr__(self): return f"Query: {self}" def __str__(self): return json.dumps(self.json_data()) def json_data(self): if len(self.fields) == 0: raise APIError("ExtractOperator needs at least one field") arr = ["extract", self.fields] if self.query is not None: arr.append(self.query) if len(self.group_by) > 0: arr.append(self.group_by) return arr
[docs]class FunctionOperator: """ Performs an aggregate function on the result of a subquery, full documentation is available at This object can only be used in the field list or group by list of an ExtractOperator object. :param function: The name of the function to perform. :type function: :obj:`str` :param field: The name of the field to perform the function on. All functions with the exception of count require this value. :type field: :obj:`str` """ def __init__(self, function, field=None, fmt=None): if function not in ["count", "avg", "sum", "min", "max", "to_string"]: raise APIError(f"Unsupport function: {function}") elif function != "count" and field is None: raise APIError("Function {} requires a field value".format(function)) elif function == "to_string" and fmt is None: raise APIError("Function {0} requires an extra 'fmt' parameter") self.arr = ["function", function] if field is not None: self.arr.append(field) if function == "to_string": self.arr.append(fmt) def __repr__(self): return f"Query: {self}" def __str__(self): return json.dumps(self.json_data()) def json_data(self): return self.arr
[docs]class SubqueryOperator: """ Performs a subquery to another puppetDB object, full documentation is available at This object must be used in combination with the InOperator according to documentation. :param endpoint: The name of the subquery object :type function: :obj:`str` """ def __init__(self, endpoint): if endpoint not in [ "catalogs", "edges", "environments", "events", "facts", "fact_contents", "fact_paths", "nodes", "reports", "resources", ]: raise APIError(f"Unsupported endpoint: {endpoint}") self.query = None self.arr = [f"select_{endpoint}"] def add_query(self, query): if self.query is not None: raise APIError("Only one query is supported by ExtractOperator") else: self.query = True self.arr.append(query.json_data()) def __repr__(self): return f"Query: {self}" def __str__(self): return json.dumps(self.json_data()) def json_data(self): return self.arr
[docs]class InOperator: """ Performs boolean compare between a field a subquery result This object must be used in combination with the SubqueryOperator according to documentation. :param field: The name of the subquery object :type function: :obj:`str` """ def __init__(self, field): self.query = None self.arr = ["in", field] def add_query(self, query): if self.query is not None: raise APIError("Only one query is supported by ExtractOperator") elif isinstance(query, str): self.query = True self.arr.append(json.loads(query)) elif isinstance(query, (ExtractOperator, FromOperator)): self.query = True self.arr.append(query.json_data()) else: raise APIError( "InOperator.add_query only supports " "strings, ExtractOperator, and" "FromOperator objects" ) def add_array(self, values): if self.query is not None: raise APIError("Only one array is supported by the InOperator") elif isinstance(values, list): def depth(a_list): return (isinstance(a_list, list) and len(a_list) != 0) and max( map(depth, a_list) ) + 1 if depth(values) == 1: self.query = True self.arr.append(["array", values]) else: raise APIError( "InOperator.add_array: cannot pass in " "nested arrays (or empty arrays)" ) else: raise APIError( "InOperator.add_array: Ill-formatted array, " "must be of the format: " "['array', [<array values>]]" ) def __repr__(self): return f"Query: {self}" def __str__(self): return json.dumps(self.json_data()) def json_data(self): return self.arr
[docs]class FromOperator: """ From contextual operator that allows for queries on the root endpoint or subqueries into other entities: Ex.) fr = FromOperator("facts") fr.add_query(EqualsOperator("foo", "bar")) fr.add_order_by(["certname"]) fr.add_limit(10) note: only supports single entity From operations """ def __init__(self, endpoint): valid_entities = [ "aggregate_event_counts", "catalogs", "edges", "environments", "event_counts", "events", "facts", "fact_contents", "fact_names", "fact_paths", "nodes", "producers", "reports", "resources", ] if endpoint in valid_entities: self.endpoint = endpoint else: raise APIError( "Endpoint is invalid. Must be " "one of the following : %s" % valid_entities ) self.query = None self.order_by = [] self.limit = None self.offset = None def add_query(self, query): if self.query is not None: raise APIError("Only one main query is supported by FromOperator") elif isinstance( query, ( InOperator, ExtractOperator, BinaryOperator, BooleanOperator, FunctionOperator, ), ): self.query = query.json_data() else: raise APIError("FromOperator.add_field only supports " "Operator Objects") def add_order_by(self, fields): def depth(a_list): return isinstance(a_list, list) and max(map(depth, a_list)) + 1 fields_depth = depth(fields) if isinstance(fields, list): if fields_depth == 1 or fields_depth == 2: self.order_by = fields else: raise APIError( "ExtractOperator.add_order_by only " "supports lists of fields of depth " "one or two: [value, <desc/asc>] or " "[value]" ) else: raise APIError( "ExtractOperator.add_group_by only supports " "lists of one or more fields" ) def add_limit(self, lim): if isinstance(lim, int): self.limit = lim else: raise APIError("ExtractOperator.add_limit only supports ints") def add_offset(self, off): if isinstance(off, int): self.offset = off else: raise APIError("ExtractOperator.add_offset only supports ints") def __repr__(self): return f"Query: {self}" def __str__(self): return json.dumps(self.json_data()) def json_data(self): if self.query is None: raise APIError("FromOperator needs one main query") arr = ["from", self.endpoint, self.query] if len(self.order_by) > 0: arr.append(["order_by", self.order_by]) if self.limit is not None: arr.append(["limit", self.limit]) if self.offset is not None: arr.append(["offset", self.offset]) return arr
[docs]class EqualsOperator(BinaryOperator): """ Builds an equality filter based on the supplied field-value pair as described In order to create the following query: ["=", "environment", "production"] The following code can be used. EqualsOperator('environment', 'production') :param field: The PuppetDB endpoint query field. See endpoint documentation for valid values. :type field: any :param value: The value of the field to match, or not match. :type value: any """ def __init__(self, field, value): super().__init__("=", field, value)
[docs]class GreaterOperator(BinaryOperator): """ Builds a greater-than filter based on the supplied field-value pair as described In order to create the following query: [">", "catalog_timestamp", "2016-06-01 00:00:00"] The following code can be used. GreaterOperator('catalog_timestamp', datetime.datetime(2016, 06, 01)) :param field: The PuppetDB endpoint query field. See endpoint documentation for valid values. :type field: any :param value: Matches if the field is greater than this value. :type value: Number, timestamp or array """ def __init__(self, field, value): super().__init__(">", field, value)
[docs]class LessOperator(BinaryOperator): """ Builds a less-than filter based on the supplied field-value pair as described In order to create the following query: ["<", "catalog_timestamp", "2016-06-01 00:00:00"] The following code can be used. LessOperator('catalog_timestamp', datetime.datetime(2016, 06, 01)) :param field: The PuppetDB endpoint query field. See endpoint documentation for valid values. :type field: any :param value: Matches if the field is less than this value. :type value: Number, timestamp or array """ def __init__(self, field, value): super().__init__("<", field, value)
[docs]class GreaterEqualOperator(BinaryOperator): """ Builds a greater-than or equal-to filter based on the supplied field-value pair as described In order to create the following query: [">=", "facts_timestamp", "2016-06-01 00:00:00"] The following code can be used. GreaterEqualOperator('facts_timestamp', datetime.datetime(2016, 06, 01)) :param field: The PuppetDB endpoint query field. See endpoint documentation for valid values. :type field: any :param value: Matches if the field is greater than or equal to\ this value. :type value: Number, timestamp or array """ def __init__(self, field, value): super().__init__(">=", field, value)
[docs]class LessEqualOperator(BinaryOperator): """ Builds a less-than or equal-to filter based on the supplied field-value pair as described In order to create the following query: ["<=", "facts_timestamp", "2016-06-01 00:00:00"] The following code can be used. LessEqualOperator('facts_timestamp', datetime.datetime(2016, 06, 01)) :param field: The PuppetDB endpoint query field. See endpoint documentation for valid values. :type field: any :param value: Matches if the field is less than or equal to\ this value. :type value: Number, timestamp or array """ def __init__(self, field, value): super().__init__("<=", field, value)
[docs]class RegexOperator(BinaryOperator): """ Builds a regular expression filter based on the supplied field-value pair as described In order to create the following query: ["~", "certname", "www\\d+\\.example\\.com"] The following code can be used. RegexOperator('certname', 'www\\d+\\.example\\.com') :param field: The PuppetDB endpoint query field. See endpoint documentation for valid values. :type field: any :param value: Matches if the field matches this regular expression. :type value: :obj:`string` """ def __init__(self, field, value): super().__init__("~", field, value)
[docs]class RegexArrayOperator(BinaryOperator): """ Builds a regular expression array filter based on the supplied field-value pair. This query only works on fields with paths as described In order to create the following query: ["~", "path", ["networking", "eth.*", "macaddress"]] The following code can be used. RegexArrayOperator('path', ["networking", "eth.*", "macaddress"]) :param field: The PuppetDB endpoint query field. See endpoint documentation for valid values. :type field: any :param value: Matches if the field matches this regular expression. :type value: :obj:`list` """ def __init__(self, field, value): super().__init__("~>", field, value)
[docs]class NullOperator(BinaryOperator): """ Builds a null filter based on the field and boolean value pair as described This filter only works on field that may be null. Value may only be True or False. In order to create the following query: ["null?", "deactivated", true] The following code can be used. NullOperator('deactivated', True) :param field: The PuppetDB endpoint query field. See endpoint documentation for valid values. :type field: any :param value: Matches if the field value is null (if True) or\ not null (if False) :type value: :obj:`bool` """ def __init__(self, field, value): if type(value) != bool: raise APIError("NullOperator value must be boolean") super().__init__("null?", field, value)
[docs]class AndOperator(BooleanOperator): """ Builds an AND boolean filter. Only results that match ALL criteria from the included query strings will be returned from PuppetDB. Full documentation is available In order to create the following query: ["and", ["=", "catalog_environment", "production"], ["=", "facts_environment", "production"]] The following code can be used: op = AndOperator() op.add(EqualsOperator("catalog_environment", "production")) op.add(EqualsOperator("facts_environment", "production")) """ def __init__(self): super().__init__("and")
[docs]class OrOperator(BooleanOperator): """ Builds an OR boolean filter. Only results that match ANY criteria from the included query strings will be returned from PuppetDB. Full documentation is available In order to create the following query: ["or", ["=", "name", "hostname"], ["=", "name", "architecture"]] The following code can be used: op = OrOperator() op.add(EqualsOperator("name", "hostname")) op.add(EqualsOperator("name", "architecture")) """ def __init__(self): super().__init__("or")
[docs]class NotOperator(BooleanOperator): """ Builds a NOT boolean filter. Only results that DO NOT match criteria from the included query strings will be returned from PuppetDB. Full documentation is available Unlike the other Boolean Operator objects this operator only accepts a single query string. In order to create the following query: ["not", ["=", "osfamily", "RedHat"]] The following code can be used. op = NotOperator() op.add(EqualsOperator("osfamily", "RedHat")) """ def __init__(self): super().__init__("not") def add(self, query): if len(self.operations) > 0: raise APIError("This operator only accept one query string") elif isinstance(query, list) and len(query) > 1: raise APIError("This operator only accept one query string") super().add(query)