Source code for pypuppetdb.api.v3

from __future__ import unicode_literals
from __future__ import absolute_import

import logging

from pypuppetdb.api import BaseAPI
from pypuppetdb.utils import json_to_datetime
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
from pypuppetdb.types import (
    Node, Fact, Resource,
    Report, Event, Catalog

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class API(BaseAPI): """The API object for version 3 of the PuppetDB API. This object contains all v3 specific methods and ways of doing things. :param \*\*kwargs: Rest of the keywoard arguments passed on to our parent\ :class:`~pypuppetdb.api.BaseAPI`. """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): """Initialise the API object.""" super(API, self).__init__(api_version=3, **kwargs) log.debug('API initialised with {0}.'.format(kwargs))
[docs] def node(self, name): """Gets a single node from PuppetDB.""" nodes = self.nodes(name=name) return next(node for node in nodes)
[docs] def nodes(self, name=None, query=None, unreported=2, with_status=False): """Query for nodes by either name or query. If both aren't provided this will return a list of all nodes. This method also fetches the nodes status and event counts of the latest report from puppetdb. :param name: (optional) :type name: :obj:`None` or :obj:`string` :param query: (optional) :type query: :obj:`None` or :obj:`string` :param with_status: (optional) include the node status in the\ returned nodes :type with_status: :bool: :param unreported: (optional) amount of hours when a node gets marked as unreported :type unreported: :obj:`None` or integer :returns: A generator yieling Nodes. :rtype: :class:`pypuppetdb.types.Node` """ nodes = self._query('nodes', path=name, query=query) # If we happen to only get one node back it # won't be inside a list so iterating over it # goes boom. Therefor we wrap a list around it. if type(nodes) == dict: nodes = [nodes, ] if with_status: latest_events = self._query( 'event-counts', query='["=","latest-report?",true]', summarize_by='certname') for node in nodes: node['unreported_time'] = None node['status'] = None if with_status: status = [s for s in latest_events if s['subject']['title'] == node['name']] # node status from events if with_status and status: node['events'] = status = status[0] if status['successes'] > 0: node['status'] = 'changed' if status['failures'] > 0: node['status'] = 'failed' else: if with_status: node['status'] = 'unchanged' node['events'] = None # node report age if with_status and node['report_timestamp'] is not None: try: last_report = json_to_datetime(node['report_timestamp']) last_report = last_report.replace(tzinfo=None) now = datetime.utcnow() unreported_border = now-timedelta(hours=unreported) if last_report < unreported_border: delta = (datetime.utcnow()-last_report) node['status'] = 'unreported' node['unreported_time'] = '{0}d {1}h {2}m'.format( delta.days, int(delta.seconds/3600), int((delta.seconds % 3600)/60) ) except AttributeError: node['status'] = 'unreported' if not node['report_timestamp'] and with_status: node['status'] = 'unreported' yield Node(self, node['name'], deactivated=node['deactivated'], report_timestamp=node['report_timestamp'], catalog_timestamp=node['catalog_timestamp'], facts_timestamp=node['facts_timestamp'], status=node['status'], events=node['events'], unreported_time=node['unreported_time'] )
[docs] def facts(self, name=None, value=None, query=None): """Query for facts limited by either name, value and/or query. This will yield a single Fact object at a time.""" log.debug('{0}, {1}, {2}'.format(name, value, query)) if name is not None and value is not None: path = '{0}/{1}'.format(name, value) elif name is not None and value is None: path = name elif name is None and value is None and query is not None: path = None else: log.debug("We want to query for all facts.") query = '' path = None facts = self._query('facts', path=path, query=query) for fact in facts: yield Fact( fact['certname'], fact['name'], fact['value'], )
[docs] def fact_names(self): """Get a list of all known facts.""" return self._query('fact-names')
[docs] def resources(self, type_=None, title=None, query=None): """Query for resources limited by either type and/or title or query. This will yield a Resources object for every returned resource.""" log.debug('YOLO') if type_ is not None: # Need to capitalize the resource type since PuppetDB doesn't # answer to lower case type names. # type_ = type_.capitalize() if title is not None: path = '{0}/{1}'.format(type_, title) elif title is None: path = type_ else: log.debug('Going to query for all resources. This is usually a ' 'bad idea as it might return enormous amounts of ' 'resources.') query = '' path = None resources = self._query('resources', path=path, query=query) for resource in resources: yield Resource( resource['certname'], resource['title'], resource['type'], resource['tags'], resource['exported'], resource['file'], resource['line'], resource['parameters'], )
[docs] def reports(self, query): """Get reports for our infrastructure. Currently reports can only be filtered through a query which requests a specific certname. If not it will return all reports. This yields a Report object for every returned report.""" reports = self._query('reports', query=query) for report in reports: yield Report( report['certname'], report['hash'], report['start-time'], report['end-time'], report['receive-time'], report['configuration-version'], report['report-format'], report['puppet-version'], report['transaction-uuid'] )
[docs] def events(self, query): """A report is made up of events. This allows to query for events based on the reprt hash. This yields an Event object for every returned event.""" events = self._query('events', query=query) for event in events: yield Event( event['certname'], event['status'], event['timestamp'], event['report'], event['resource-title'], event['property'], event['message'], event['new-value'], event['old-value'], event['resource-type'], )
[docs] def event_counts(self, query, summarize_by, count_by=None, count_filter=None): """Get event counts from puppetdb""" return self._query('event-counts', query=query, summarize_by=summarize_by, count_by=count_by, count_filter=count_filter)
[docs] def aggregate_event_counts(self, query, summarize_by, count_by=None, count_filter=None): """Get event counts from puppetdb""" return self._query('aggregate-event-counts', query=query, summarize_by=summarize_by, count_by=count_by, count_filter=count_filter)
[docs] def server_time(self): """Get the current time of the clock on the PuppetDB server""" return self._query('server-time')['server-time']
[docs] def current_version(self): """Get version information about the running PuppetDB server""" return self._query('version')['version']
[docs] def catalog(self, node): """Get the most recent catalog for a given node""" c = self._query('catalogs', path=node) return Catalog(c['data']['name'], c['data']['edges'], c['data']['resources'], c['data']['version'], c['data']['transaction-uuid'])
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